Kapiti WEA Rules


1) NAME The name of the society is the Kapiti Coast Workers Educational Association Incorporated.

a) "The Association" means the Kapiti Coast Workers Educational Association Incorporated.
b) "The Association year" means the period commencing at the conclusion of the last AnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM) and continuing until the conclusion of the next Annual GeneralMeeting.
c) "The financial year" means the period commencing on 1 January and concluding on the 31December.
d) "The Chairperson" means the President of the Association if that officer is present and presiding. Otherwise it means the person selected to hold that office at any properly convened meeting of the Association.
e) "The Committee" means the Committee elected in accordance with these Rules.
f) "The FWEA" means the Federation of Workers Educational Associations in Aotearoa NewZealand Inc.g) “Kapiti Coast” is the area from Paekakariki to Otaki) "Supporter" means any person or organisation who, through voluntary work, financial support or any other activity helps to further the aims of the Association.

a) Principal Aim
i) The Association’s principal aim is the advancement, encouragement and provision of continuing and community education for adults.
b) Other Aims
i) To encourage and support adult and workers' education.
ii) To meet the educational needs of the individual and society through a recognition of their inter-dependence.
iii) To help individuals assess critically the social processes which affect them.
iv) To improve access for adults and workers to tertiary education.
v) The Association subscribes to the aims of the FWEA as stated in the FWEAConstitution.
c) Objectives
i) To meet the educational requirements of adults on the Kapiti Coast, in forms suited tothem, and designed to help in furthering individual and social development.
ii) To undertake independently or in conjunction with other organisations, educational activities in accordance with the needs and wishes of participants.
iii) To undertake and promote the publication and dissemination of material relevant to theaims of the FWEA.
iv) To promote adults' and workers' continuing education throughout New Zealand.
v) To increase awareness of the value of education.
vi) To ascertain the needs and desires of people in regard to education and represent those views to the appropriate national and regional authorities or any other national body carrying on, in whole or in part, the activities within the aims and objects of theAssociation.
vii) To participate in any other activities which are considered practicable and desirable in reaching the aims outlined above.

a) The Association shall have the following powers:-
i) To purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire or use any real or personal property.
ii) To enter into and be a party to contracts and agreements.
iii) To purchase, sell, let, mortgage or otherwise acquire or dispose of or deal with any of theproperty or assets of the Association.
iv) To construct, maintain or alter any buildings or property of the Association.
v) To borrow or raise money by mortgage or in such manner and on such terms as theCommittee agrees is suitable for the purpose.
vi) To invest on such terms as may be agreed by the Committee.
vii) To seek and accept grants and donations.
viii)To subscribe and grant money, donations or provide assistance in any other manner asagreed by the Committee.
ix) To employ, retain or engage people as servants on contract or as agents in such manneras the Committee or the Association deems proper. To print, publish, write anddistribute articles, opinions, papers, books, pamphlets, and courses.
x) To do all such other activities which will further the aims and objectives of theAssociation.
xi) All income, benefit, or advantage must be used to advance the charitable purposes of theorganisation.
xii) No member of the organisation, or anyone associated with a member, is allowed to takepart in, or influence, any decision made by the organisation in respect of payments to, oron behalf of, the member or associated person of any income, benefit, or advantage.

a) Ordinary Members
i) Any person who applies may become a member. A member shall pay an Annual Membership subscription, which shall be fixed at the A.G.M.
b) Affiliated Members
i) Any Club, Society, Association or other Organisation which has aims in harmony with those of this Association may, at the discretion of the Committee, be invited to join theAssociation as an Affiliated Member.
c) Honorary Members
i) The Association may, by resolution passed at any properly convened meeting of the Association, admit, as honorary members of the Association, persons who have give distinguished service to the Association and are deemed worthy of the honour. Theperiod of Honorary Membership shall be determined by resolution.
d) Termination of Membership
i) Membership of the Association shall be terminated by written resignation, or 3 months of default of payment of an Annual Subscription when it is due.ii) A member may be removed from membership by a resolution of the committee.

a) Committee
i) The controlling body of the Association shall be called the Committee. It shall consist ofelected officers, and at least three ordinary members. Any member of the Associationshall be entitled to hold office as one of the officers or committee members. The term ofoffice for each elected member of the Committee shall commence from the completionof the AGM and continue until the completion of the next succeeding AGM.
b) Elected Officers
i) President
ii) Vice President
iii) Treasurer
iv) Secretary
v) At least 3 and not more than 6 ordinary members
vi) The two offices of Treasurer and Secretary may, at the discretion of the Committee becombined and held by one person.

a) Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee
i) The officers and committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting(AGM) of the Association.
ii) An officer or committee member may be nominated prior to the meeting by notice to the secretary or be nominated from the floor at the AGM by any member. In the event that two or more persons are nominated for any office, an election shall be held and the person holding the majority of votes cast shall be declared elected for the ensuing year.
iii) The officers elected at any AGM shall not take office until the conclusion of the AnnualGeneral Meeting at which they are elected and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next succeeding AGM unless this is terminated by resignation or expulsion.
b) Vacancies and Co-Option
i) Where a position of an elected member becomes vacant during the year, such a vacancy may be filled by a nominee of the Committee. The Committee also has the power to co-opt additional members to the Committee.

a) There shall be three types of meetings:
i) Annual General Meetings (AGM)
ii) Special General Meetings (SGM)
iii) Committee Meetings.
b) Annual General Meeting
i) The AGM of the Association shall be held not later than the 30th day of April in eachyear.
ii) Notice of the AGM shall be given not more than fourteen (14) days and not less thanseven (7) days before the date fixed for holding the AGM. The notice shall state the date,place and time of the meeting and indicate the business to be discussed. The notice may be sent to each member by email, by post or published in a newspaper circulating in the Kapiti District as directed by the committee.
iii) Any matters affecting the Association may be discussed at the AGM provided that thenotices required by the Rules of Procedure of the Association have been complied with.
iv) The President shall present an Annual Report on activities and finances during the previous year. There shall likewise be presented for consideration at the AGM aStatement of Accounts and Balance Sheet. The Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet are to be reviewed by a suitably qualified person.
c) Special General Meetings
i) A Special Meeting of the Association may be called at the discretion of the Committee or upon a request of a quorum of members provided fourteen (14) days' notice has been given. The procedure to be followed will be the same as for an AGM.
d) Committee meetings
i) The Committee shall meet at least six (6) times in the Association year. Committee members shall be given at least seven (7) days notification of such meeting.
e) Quora
i) The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be four (4). The quorum for an AGM or aSGM shall be eight (8) or one fifth of the members entitled to vote and personally present at such meeting, whichever number is the less.
f) Voting
i) At any properly convened meeting of the Association, there shall be one vote to each member present. The Chairperson of the meeting shall have both a deliberative vote and, if necessary, a casting vote

a) The Committee shall plan, direct, organise and generally oversee and control the operationsof the Association on the Kapiti Coast. It may do this using any or all of the Association'spowers listed in section 4 of this Rules.
b) Membership of the Committee may be terminated by:
i) Voluntary resignation, or
ii) Expulsion upon three quarters (3/4) of the votes of the committee provided anopportunity is given to the member to answer any accusation in writing, in person or byCounsel. An opportunity for appeal to an AGM or a Special General Meeting shall beallowed. Termination by expulsion, on appeal shall require two thirds (2/3) of the votesof the members present.
iii) Any vacancy shall be filled as set out in paragraph 7) b) i).

a) The Committee shall control the funds of the Association.
b) The Treasurer, in consultation with the President, or any other person nominated by the committee, shall have authority to pay accounts, such payments to be ratified at the next meeting of the Committee. The nominated persons shall be the signatories to the bank account.
c) It is a requirement that there be two signatories as a minimum on any bank accounts.

a) The Association shall keep a printed copy of the Rules.
b) Copies of the Rules and any amendments shall be available for perusal by any interested person.
c) In the event of any question arising either of interpretation of the Rules that matter is to be referred to the Committee for a ruling. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
d) The Rules of the Association may be altered, extended, revoked or amended by resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the votes cast at any General Meeting, provided that no alteration be permitted which in anyway affects the charitable nature of the Association.
e) The committee may make by-laws which shall be binding on the Association. Any bylaws shall be confirmed by the next AGM or lapse.

a) The Common Seal of the Association shall be kept at the registered office of the Association.
b) The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any document unless a resolution to that effect has been passed by the Committee. Such a seal shall be affixed by two Officers and one member of the Committee. The Officer or Officers affirming the Common Seal and the member afores aid shall sign such document, instrument, deed, writing paper or other thing.

a) The Registered Office of the Association shall be at 1st Floor, Kapiti Business Centre, 17 –19 Seaview Rd, Paraparaumu Beach 5032, or at such other place as shall be selected from time to time by the Committee.

a) In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Association, the property, both real and personal, after payment of all costs, debts and liabilities, shall vest in the Federation ofWorkers Educational Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Inc. if it has charitable status or, if not, to any charitable organisation having similar purposes and operating in the Kapiti Coast region.

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